Friday, August 24, 2012

Food and Freedom

Date: 24th Aug 2012

It was 22nd August 2012; a bunch of young enthusiastic students started their journey to have an experience of reality on ground. Our class of PGP-IBM 2011-13 decided to visit Mundra Port. We all were so excited and keeping one thing in mind that will it be possible, will it be complete without any dispute?  I know all questions were negative in our mind.

All questions and doubts were about the success of this trip. I must tell you it was a highly appreciable effort and piece of example where all twenty students have been shown their cooperation with each other. It was a team work and who has taken responsibilities during of this trip they must deserve for round of applaud.

Management talk
If we talk in management language all HR, OB and operations learning has applied here to make this trip successful. Let me tell you HR related things came when planning phase implemented, coordination with class members, JD sir, Nair sir, Snehal sir and ADANI port officials where communication part was very important. HR practical also done in assigning the job to different people based on their talent and knowledge like food arrangement, hotel booking, travel plan, games, orientation etc.

If I talk about Organization Behaviour (OB) learning where we have implemented on dispute settlements, etiquettes, team work, knowledge sharing, talent showcasing etc. For example we have taken decisions together where to stop in our way, what to eat, where to eat, sharing of food brought from home, cooperation in trouble, behaviour during visit and many more.

If I talk about the operational management was the most critical part of whole trip. From arrangement of resources to allocate resource at right time and place were included in operation part. For example collecting money, keeping record of all expenses, deciding the right place to visit and to eat with minimum expense, taking permission at Jinalaya, Mandavi for night stay and at Adani house to visit port and Adani wilmar, take care of health of everyone and many more tasks of operations.

We know
If I ask you about the learning part how many things have you remembered to explain correctly with technical specification? I think very less because this trip was not about the go into deep of all operations. This trip was all about to get visual experience of port operations and to aware about the environment at port site. Adani wilmar visit also supposed to get insight of production facility of refined oil. So don’t worry about having all answers related to both site visits.

Yes of course we should be able to visualize and make our answers by implementing commonsense because we have seen operations in reality.

Food enthusiastic

I love Gujaratis for their spirit of living life. Some time I put a question to myself is that whether they Eating to Live or Living to Eat ? After this trip I made conclusion that Gujaratis are living for food only. Enjoyment with variety of food, enjoyment in sharing food, food gives them energy and that comprises with high degree of trust and bonding with each other. It is the ultimate formula of doing business with all peace and values here.

All were brought food from their home, I have tasted a variety of food like Dhokla, Aloo ka paratha, Muthiya, Khakhra, Bhakarwadi, Biscuits, Thepalas, Idli and others complicated names which I couldn’t remember. It was awesome in taste and were home made so made me so excited to have in large quantity. My sincere thanks to all girls who have not made my stomach empty any time.

Freedom brings creativity
We all have enjoyed freedom these two days. We also made an attempt to express our feelings, greed, objections, support, anger and love. It could only possible because we are independent and enough mature & responsible residents of our nation.

Freedom didn’t mean to become more irresponsible towards our duties, criticize the system, and speak whatever comes to in mind. I am happy we all have not taken this freedom otherwise. We all have shown spirit of enjoyment with being responsible. We were in limit and attempted to make interpersonal relationship in better way.

We have played different games and shown our creativity to make this trip enjoyable and memorable. Thanks to all volunteers who has participated and made plan for all activities.

Social irresponsibility
In this independent country till now also we are unaware to follow our responsibilities for betterment of our society. Highways are dirty with colourful plastics, posters of leaders (stars for local community) on wall and sign boards, dirty and unhygienic restaurants, pathetic toilets for sanitation and many examples of avoidance of our duties towards making this country clean and safe.

If I talk about us that was also not appreciable behaviour during this trip. Chewing gum dispose at bus, throwing thrash inside the bus and outside from the window, noise pollution at public place like restaurant and guest house etc. I appreciate few of us were so much concern and helped to maintained it in good level.

Good Job
I hope you all enjoyed this trip as I. We require same kind of team effort with coordination to make our future in right direction. I am expressing my sincere thanks to everyone.
Mangalik and Khushboo Udeshi deserve for giving title of “Good Job”.
Mundra Port Visit was a successful attempt to show team work. It was all about Food and Freedom.

Nishant Dubey
PGP-IBM 2011-13


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please understand author request. Please fill your trip with Social responsibility and technical aspect. Congrats for successful trip and good job.

  3. Tremendous effort towards the ongoing activities,with same tried to conclude the whole journey and gathering in feasible account of information.

    Good work Nishant !
